概览四大区域理事会&执委会技术委员会技术委员会章程其他委员会显示未来之星委员会章程显示产业可持续及检测相关专家工作组SID显示周签证邀请函申请2024 中国代表团报名第一届代表团活动回顾中国代表团活动介绍SID显示周中国代表团SID北京分会执委会选举投票2024 SID新技术研讨会2023 SID新技术研讨会2022 SID显示周新技术演讲会2021 SID显示周新技术演讲会新型显示技术论坛暨2020年SID显示周技术演讲会2019显示周新技术演讲会2018显示周新技术演讲会2017显示周新技术演讲会2016 SID显示周新技术演讲会往届显示周新技术演讲会显示培训学校企业会员联谊活动SID China华大九天杯创新竞赛新型显示技术竞赛调研活动会议介绍会议报名讲师介绍智能显示与芯片集成技术研讨会全球未来显示创新技术交流对接会Mini/MicroLED 2024年度技术进展研讨会ICDT大会ICDT出版刊物2018年名单2019年名单2020年名单2017年名单2021年名单2022年名单优秀论文奖&优秀学生论文奖FTS技术报告购买换届选举学生分会章程上海学生分会活动换届结果通知上海学生分会介绍执委会竞选投票上海学生分会活动计划上海学生分会深圳学生分会活动计划深圳学生分会活动深圳学生分会执委会竞选投票换届结果通知成都学生分会活动计划成都学生分会活动成都学生分会执委会竞选投票广州学生分会活动计划广州学生分会北京学生分会活动计划北京学生分会执委会竞选投票换届结果通知福州学生分会活动计划福州学生分会CDIA 2025年申请CDIA 2024年获奖名单CDIA 2023年获奖名单CDIA 2022年获奖名单CDIA 2021年获奖名单CDIA 2020年获奖名单CDIA 2019年获奖名单SID中国区显示行业奖(CDIA)SID全球个人奖项SID China个人奖项个人会员权益SID个人会员入会申请表个人企业

To obtain a visa invitation letter for Display Week 2025, please fill out the form below. The visa invitation letter is free, but email form only. We can express mail a signed hardcopy on request but you have to provide your shipping account (FedEx, DHL etc.) of your choice to bear the shipping charges.   To eliminate the need for priority mail we recommend requesting visa invitation letters at least three months before you need to come to USA.   For individuals whose papers are accepted at Display Week, we recommend submitting a visa invitation letter as soon as your paper is accepted.

Many countries have specific visa invitation letter data requirements which may not be covered by the fields below, such as title of publications for speakers, etc.   Please put any of this required supplemental data for your passport office in the Other Required Info field below.

Please note this form is for Display Week exhibitors, committee participants, and attendees only.

Please fill in the form in English.


SID Display Week Visa Invitation Letter
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Company / Institution Name:
Job Title:
Applicant ID:
  • Address (as in passport):
Street Address
State or Province
Postal Code
Passport Number:
Passport Expiration:
Passport Issued By/At:
Place of Birth
Date of Birth:
Duration of stay in America:
Departure Date from USA:
Where will you stay in the USA and how will you pay for it:
Other Required Info:
Do you require printed version of Visa Invitation letter ?:
FedEx/UPS/DHL Account Number:
  • Please note that if printed letter is requested, SID office will mail the visa invitation letter only if FedEx/UPS/DHL shipping account # is provided.
Agree to SID Terms?: