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提交 Technical Experts Think Tank
Your Name * Your Date of Birth,eg:1986/05 * Your Gender * Your Education Background * Are you a SID member? * Your Email Address * Your Phone Number * Your Company/Affiliate Name * Your Position: * Your Main Job Functions: * Your Technical Title,If no,please type no * Your Social Position,If no,please type no * The City You Base * Are you interested in using SID China Shanghai Office? *
Your Brief Bio: (personal research achievements in display technology field) * More detail, please upload your resume as an attachment 未选择文件 最多2个文件,每个300M以内 暂无文件,请上传文件 Your Technical Committee: * Do you want to be reelected as member of technical committee? *
What kind of affiliation do you belong to? * Do you need financing for your technology development or technical project? * Do you have technical achievement to be transferred or on sale? * What areas are you very good at? * Your general areas of expertise are? * Are you willing to contribute display-related videos? *
Would you like to write articles on display-related technology and market trend? *
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